Why It’s Important to Get Back-to-School Sports Physicals


Summer is in full swing for kids who are enjoying their break. No doubt, planning the family’s vacation, coordinating summer camps, and taking your kids to swimming lessons are priorities for most parents. It’s also a good time to be thinking about the upcoming school year and if your child needs a back-to-school sports physical before his or her first day of tryouts. Our doctors at Lincoln Family Medicine Center in Lincoln, Nebraska provide complete sports physicals for students of all ages.

Benefits of students participating in school sports

Whether your child is returning for another year of playing a sport in school or if it is their very first opportunity, kids look forward to being involved in all kinds of activities. There are many positive benefits for students participating specifically in sports throughout their school years. Sports can promote:

  • Regular physical activity

  • Personal development

  • Psychosocial development

  • A pattern of exercise, nutrition, and overall good health

  • Muscle strength 

  • Healthy weight

  • Good self-esteem and self-confidence

  • Team-building skills

Before a student participates in a sport, however, It’s important that schools and coaches know that your child is physically able to perform activities like soccer, football, basketball, volleyball, swimming, and other sports that your local school offers. That is why schools typically require all students to receive a back-to-school sports physical completed prior to participation, which is typically done by a family medicine provider. 

What is involved in a back-to-school sports physical?

A sports physical is an important element to keeping your child healthy and an opportunity to get in the habit of having an annual exam. During the back-to-school physical exam, your primary care doctor will go over your child’s current health, ask questions about your family’s history of health conditions, and check for any medical concerns that could come about from participating in sports including heart, joint, and bone conditions. They may also do a cholesterol check as a preventive measure. Your child’s medical records will be updated with this information as part of the exam. The student/athlete may receive updates on other prevention during their visit as well, including immunizations required for school.

Your family physician may also discuss other issues that come with participating in sports, such as possible injuries that could occur.

Scheduling your child’s back-to-school sports physical

Schools in Nebraska typically begin in August so now is a good time to schedule your child’s physical so that it is complete prior to school starting, but no sooner than May 1 for Lincoln Public Schools. At Lincoln Family Medicine Center, we will work with you to set up an appointment that is convenient for you and your student athlete. However, appointments fill up fast the closer we get to August!

Prior to your child’s appointment, check with their school to request any pre-participation forms that will need to be filled out in advance and include information about previous health conditions, sports-related injuries, and general health. It is helpful if the athlete and/or parent fill it out prior to the appointment or while waiting at the office so that his/her physician can review it during the appointment. Be sure to bring along your insurance information, if it has changed.

Also, take a few minutes to write down questions or concerns you may have about your child’s health. Make note of any recent injuries, medical illnesses, and a list of medications they are currently taking if you are being seen by a new provider who may not be aware of their health history.

Start the school year with an A+ by ensuring your child’s back-to-school sports physical is complete ahead of their first day of tryouts. To schedule a sports physical appointment, call Lincoln Family Medicine Center in Lincoln, Nebraska at 402-483-4571. Our physicians and healthcare team will make your child’s sports exam a positive experience and help to ensure they are ready to participate in sports on day one! Good luck!